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Current State of Construction

Marquette Ore Dock #6

Marquette West(or Upper) Yard

Marquette East(or Lower) Yard

City of Marquette


 End Goal (Pictures from original Superior Northern)


Marquette Ore Dock #6

Marquette West (or Upper) Yard

Marquette East (or Lower) Yard

City of Marquette


Prototype History and Operation:

Marquette Ore Dock #6

The Marquette ore loading dock #6 began operations in 1932 and ceased loading ore in December, 1971.  The ore dock was 969 feet long with 150 pockets and could hold 56,250 tons of ore in the pockets.  While the trestle to the ore dock was dismantled in 1999, the ore dock itself still stands in the lower harbor at Marquette.

City of Marquette

Looking north up Front St. at the landmark railroad trestle in the city of Marquette.  The trestle was removed in the winter of 1999-2000 along with the rest of the trestle to the ore dock but not all residents were happy to see this particular section removed.


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