GR I Model StationThe Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad (GR&I) was formed in 1854.  The modular model layout by the Riverbend Model Railroad Club was started in 2007 in a basement room at Sunset Manor while at the same time the club operated a layout of the Superior Northern in the Grand River Construction Building in Hudsonville.  When the Superior Northern had to be disassemble in November of 2011 the club started to expand the GR&I and operated the railroad until September of 2015 when the decision was made to dismantle the GR&I and rebuild a new Superior Northern layout at the Sunset location.  A portion of the GR&I was retained to operate trains until trains could run on the new Superior Northern.  The last train ran on the modified GR&I in January of 2017 at which time the entire GR&I layout was disassembled and the parts and space used for the new Superior Northern.

Compare the actual picture of the Union Station Train Shed at right to the model created by Gene VanderArk at lower right for the GR&I layout.  While some "modelers license" is used in the construction and operation of the club's layouts we try to stay as prototypical as possible. 


Photos of the Grand Rapids and Indiana (GR&I) Modular Railroad



Click on the Youtube video below to see some trains running on the GR&I.